The Annual Journal of the Diocesan Archive in Zielona Góra
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ADHIBENDA Annual Journal of the Diocesan Archive in Zielona Góra
Instructions for authors:
Text file – .doc format (Word 95 or later)
Margins: standard for a Word document (2,5 cm on both sides, on the top and bottom)
Main text: 12-point Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing, 1.25 cm indent. The text should be justified.
If the article includes drawings, photographs, tables or fragments of texts that are someone else’s work, the author is obliged to indicate the source not only in references but also in the captions of the drawing, table, photograph, reproduction, etc.
If authors use someone else’s drawings, photographs, tables or fragments of texts that are beyond the fair use guideline, they are obliged to obtain written permission from the author (publishing house) of the borrowed fragment and submit it to the editorial board of the Annual Journal. Failure to provide the author’s permission or to mention the source of borrowings will be considered copyright infringement and will be subject to legal action. The provisions of copyrights apply both to borrowings from Polish and foreign works (Act of
4 February 1994 on copyright – Journal of Laws No. 24, item 83, art. 34). -
If the photograph intended for publication depicts a recognizable person, it is necessary to obtain written permission to use this person’s image in the Annual Journal.
Photographs, drawings, maps and tables should be attached as 300 dpi files (or bigger), saved in a tif format.
Use 11-point Times New Roman font for footnotes and tables. Line spacing cannot be smaller than 1.5.
Tables –do not use a bold font for headings, do not align numerical data with spaces or tabulator key. In numerical data use a comma as a decimal separator.
Only the following type treatments are allowed in the text: italic type – for publication titles, foreign-language expressions as well as words and expressions used as examples; bold type – for titles, terms and fragments of texts requiring highlighting.
Longer quotations should be separated from the main text and should be written as a separate paragraph, without quotation marks, smaller than the main text (11-point Times).
The omission of a fragment from a quoted passage, whether it is the beginning or the ending of the sentence, should be indicated by three dots in square brackets […].
If a fragment of more than two pages is omitted between two parts of the quotation, the quotations should be divided into two separate parts, enclosed in separate quotation marks with their own references.
Each paragraph must be completed by pressing the 'Enter’ key on the keyboard.
The paragraph indentation should be set by using the special indentation in paragraph formatting options or by pressing the tabulator key. It is unacceptable to hit the space bar multiple times for this purpose.
It is not allowed to align the text to the right and left margins using spaces.
17. Please follow the examples below for footnotes and references:
J. Dąbrowski, Dziennik 1914-1918, Kraków 1977.
M. Klimecki, Pierwsza wojna światowa na ziemi lubelskiej, [in:] Lubelszczyzna w najnowszej historii wojskowej, Tarnobrzeg 1988, pp. 112-135.
M. Micińska, Czy istnieją angielscy intelektualiści? Problematyka elit intelektualnych
w historiografii brytyjskiej, „Kultura i Społeczeństwo”, 2/2000, p. 103.
Mikułowski-Pomorski J., Etos warstw społecznych. Inteligencja. Między państwem
a samodzielnym wyborem, [in:] Kondycja moralna społeczeństwa polskiego,
J. Mariański (ed.), Warszawa 2002, pp.43 – 66.
Since we publish articles without the author’s proofreading, please pay special attention to the text in terms of its form and content and provide the text in the final version.